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Happy Friday!
Don't you just love fridays? They are always filled with excitement, possibility, friends, family and weekend jitters!
A quick recap- Yesterday I worked through what was probably the busiest lunch I have ever worked at Noodles & Co. My sister and mom came in, and I only got to see them for about 30 seconds- although they were watching me run around the dining room like a mad woman trying to find table numbers as the line went out the door! After work around 3 pm, I went to have coffee and cookie hour with my grandparents at their villa's clubhouse. I know they are reading- so a quick shout out to them. :)
We talked about my writing, moving back to school, my family, their life and the cottage, and I met some of their neighbors. I am so thankful to have such incredible role models in my life. Their faith makes them devoted followers of Jesus Christ, kind and generous people, and above all, loving grandparents. If I haven't said it already-
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa. Thank you for showing me that love can last a lifetime. Thank you for showing me what it means to live through your faith. Thank you for showing me that the most important things in life can't be bought. Thanks for always being there to cheer me on and support my dreams. I can never truly say thank you enough.
And now... you're featured on the blog! No hiding now! :)
And now for today- I think I will start with a little speed-walking on the treadmill (as per usual) and then a little more writing for College Lifestyles . If you haven't checked it out already, it's the online magazine that I just scored a fall internship for (and couldn't be more excited!). Then, I will probably head out to do some school shopping and go on a walk with a good friend.
There is nothing better than clearing your head on a nice, long walk with a good friend- agree?
What are you up to this Friday?
"Good friend, don't forget all I've taught you; take heart my commands. They'll help you live a long, long time, a long life lived full and well."
Proverbs 3:1-2
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