Despite the fact that it's been a short/yet kind of long summer, I am ready to go back to school. Well, I think I am ready. Of course I still have lots of packing to do this week and things to cross of my to-do list. But for the past few weeks I have been itching for change again. And then... as soon as I think I want to move out, I start to think about leaving my mom. I start to think about leaving her safety net and endless love and support.
She has taught me and continues to teach me the importance of loving myself. She has taught me that life is worth so much more than constant worry and self-doubt.
She has taught me to love life again.
When we fall off track... when we start to think that the perfect body or perfect grades or perfect relationships make a life well-lived... then we truly lose some of life's magic. We lose the beauty of appreciating good food, loving our reflection in the mirror, acknowledging the great and beautiful creation that God made us to be.
It's hard for me sometimes. Sometimes I think I need to be perfect to be worth something. Sometimes I think I need to constantly prove myself to others around me. Sometimes I feel like life is one huge beauty contest.
And then there are the times I look at my mom, my family and my friends. They continue to show me that whatever and whoever I am will aways be good enough. I don't have to be anything other than myself.
I, Meaghan Taylor O'Connor, am beautiful and... I am loved.
"Show me your ways O Lord; Teach me in your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; on you I wait all the day."
Psalm 25:4
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