So... I'M BACK! And I'm going to try to be better about keeping up with my Spoonful. It has truly been an important part of my life and I can't wait to get back on track!
A few photos of life on campus...
My Pledge Class on Bid Day
The NEW Pledge Class on Bid Day
My Beautiful Carnation Sister
The Sisters Visit for the Weekend! :)
And... back to something a little deeper. The past few days have been a little rough. I'm getting really homesick and a few things happened to me that made me question myself and my capabilities. My message for you today is simple.

I know it's a message I really need to hear. I hope it helps you... no matter what happens in life- everything happens for a reason and will work out in the end. The true lesson is learning to let go and move on.
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” – Romans 8:28
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