Friday, February 25, 2011

Chase TODAY.

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Do you chase the past? Are you stuck in a world of yesterday? What's holding you back?

Sometimes we are so busy trying to chase what happened in the past, that we completely lose track of what is happening now. We forget about the present, about taking advantage of each day before, about acknowledging that we can't do anything to change what is behind us.

So are you chasing your past? If so, what is keeping you tied down? What is truly holding you back?

Often times, we are held back by tragedy, drama, and relationships. We convince ourselves that we can do something to make it better, something to convince ourselves that we can actually affect what has already happened. But I have a secret for you... as much as I would LOVE to. We can't time travel. What has happened in the past is done, is permanent... can't be taken back.

You're probably thinking... wow this is supposed to be inspiring, right? So how do we make this something positive?
1. We learn to accept our past as something that brought us where we are today. You probably wouldn't be the same person you are now without going through all that you have.
2. We realize that we learn from the things in our past... it teaches us what works, and what doesn't... but nothing is ever absolutely worthless in life. 

Everything has a purpose. You have a purpose.

So I encourage you to chase the present today. Focus on what is yet to be done instead of what has already happened.

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9



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