Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Promise of Forever.

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Do you make promises? What is the promise you will never break? Why are promises important? Is there a promise for forever?

One of my new year's resolutions is to keep my promises. I think they are so important in terms of developing relationships with other people, projecting yourself in a respectful way, and also getting to know yourself by what you consider most important in life.
Are there certain promises you value over others?
I have several important lifelong promises that I hope I can keep forever:
I promise to stay true to myself, regardless of what others think about me.
I promise to live a life devoted to God- knowing that he has given everything to me.
I promise to LOVE others unconditionally.
I promise to open up, to let people in, to let go of the fear of rejection.
I promise to live to help others.
I promise to live life everyday with a thankful heart.
Okay, so I know that some of those promises seem extremely far-fetched and unrealistic for day to day life. But the point of my lifelong promises are just that- they are long-term. They are meant to establish self-expectations for my life that I am committed to pursuing with my whole heart. I encourage you to make a list of life-long promises as well, really think about what is most important to you... it could help to keep your priorities and check an/or make you re-evaluate how you are living your life.

Promises aren't meant to be broken. Promises are meant to be treasured.
"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
Luke 11:9


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