Hello there! How do you like the new updates to my blog page?
I love the new font I found on Google, the header image I made, and the color combos that I updated! I think it makes the page look a little more current, yes?
Here’s a quick life update!
I spent the day working and writing J. I got up around 7 am and played with my puppy while I ate breakfast (something I can’t seem to skip now). I love having bonding time with my puppy when no one else is around. I did my usual walk/run on the treadmill- once again relying on One Tree Hill to keep me motivated. Then, I ran downtown for a few hours to help out with final edit for Women’s Lifestyle Magazine! It is so fun to watch the pages put together and finalized. After my intern gig, I spent the afternoon at Noodles serving the lunch shift. We weren’t too busy- but there is always stuff to be done around the restaurant. I even got to talk with our area supervisor today- kind of intimidating, but fun too. When I got home I caught up on some TiVo (Bachelorette and Pretty Little Liars- my kind of night) and went for a walk with my mom and puppy. All in all- a very good day!
Now, to the deeper part of my post- thinking about my passions and dreams. I know that writing/editing for a big magazine is my goal, but how am I really going to get there? I know it is not going to be easy. It is going to take time, dedication, hard work, and a little bit of luck (my Irish roots may come in handy). The point is, it is not going to happen overnight. I am going to have to work my butt off.
But, it will be worth it. Every second of pain and struggle and defeat and hardship will be worth it. I will make it. I will become someone.
My hope is that I can learn to enjoy the journey to get there. I want to appreciate the hardships as something that can make me a better person. I want to love the struggle and pain. I want to recognize that every step towards my goal will define who I become.
Enjoy your journey. Never give up. You can do anything.
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.”
Psalm 32:8
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