Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Inspiration on Today

Pin It Now! Mark Stephan on Today

What is my favorite time of the day?
The moment I pour myself a cup of coffee and french vanilla cream, and turn on the TV to find another Today show story scrolling across the screen. Something about the Today Show is so exhilarating for me. The way they combine human interest stories, news updates, political figures, celebrities, concerts, food segments, and gossip is pure genius. If I wasn't in LOVE with the prospect of magazine journalism, I would be headed directly to this kind of talk show. Although I could never be a host, I would absolutely love working behind the scenes. 
What does this have to do with inspiration?
Many times, the Today Show crafts segments that have to do with ORDINARY people overcoming EXTRAORDINARY obstacles. These are my favorite stories, and they continue to remind me that miracles are  truly possible. 

I cam across this story yesterday while surfing the web (the link at the top of the page). It takes a really emotional television program to make me cry... but I confess, I did get a little emotional when I watched this video clip. Mark Stephen's story is beyond inspiring. Confined to a wheelchair as a kid, he overcame this disability in his adult life to be a normal adult. Later, he suffered a dramatic injury causing him to be severely quadriplegic. When I think about not being able to walk, not being able to move on my own... I don't know if I could even do it. The story's premise is that Mark worked extremely hard in therapy and eventually climbed the highest building in Chicago (for a fundraising event). Watching him climb the stairs, intense determination in his eyes, is truly inspiring. I encourage you to watch the clip... and dare you not to at least tear up. I would hope that if I ever had this type of injury, I would have the determination to overcome it. 

The most inspiring part of this story... Mark did not participate in the race for glory, attention, or publicity. He did it simply to be normal. I don't know about you, but I take advantage of this normalcy every day. So I encourage you, be inspired, take advantage of your normal life, help out those who simply desire to walk on their own. 

Climb your own challenging staircase, because anything is possible.

Peace. Love. Inspiration.
Meaghan O'Connor


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