If you are anything like me.. you have a mild case of rainy day syndrome. Okay, maybe not so mild...
Let's be completely honest. I HATE rainy, dark days.
I am always discouraged when I open the blinds in the morning to raindrops dripping from the windowsill, to sidewalks engulfed by puddles, and to think about my long and lonely walk to class while getting wet. It is hard to be grateful for something that can seem so depressing and pointless.
Why does God give us these days when we are perfectly content with sunshine and warmth?
I think the answer is all about gratitude.
How can we truly be thankful for sun and warmth without the rainy days? How can we appreciate the good days without living through the bad ones?
So today, I am thankful for the rain. I am thankful that the sun gets a chance to rest, that the snow is partially melting, and that spring is coming soon. I am thankful that not every day is full of sunshine, and I acknowledge that even rain can be beautiful.
Even rain can be perfect.
Take advantage of whatever weather is coming your way today. If you do get some lucky rays on sunshine, thank the Lord for a healthy dose of vitamin D. If you wake up to rain... appreciate a nice day inside under the blankets with a good movie and some hot tea. If you get snow, get outside and try something new!
The Lord has a reason and purpose for every day. Be thankful for weather, be thankful for your place on this Earth, and be thankful for the beauty that is God's creation.
"Nevertheless he left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness."
Acts 14:17
"God is in the rain." - V for Vendetta.
ReplyDeleteLove you, miss you.
Meaghan, I love this!