It's days like these that it is hard for me to be thankful. It's days like these that it is hard to see the sunshine. It's days like these that make life seem dark. It's days like these that make me miss home.
I absolutely hate being sick. It is not the kind of stomach sickness that comes and goes... but the kind that stays in your head for a few days. It is the kind that makes your head hurt and your body ache and your eyes droop. It is the kind where even a twelve hour sleep feels like six.
When I am sick it is so hard for me to be optimistic. I think that is true for any hard thing we go through in life. We think about why it has to happen to us, why it has to happen the week before finals... why me, why now? It is so hard, in times of sickness, for us to be thankful for the things we do have, the things that will never leave us in hard times, the things that are always right there next to us.
So today, I am learning a lesson in what it means to be completely optimistic in the face of sickness.
I thank the Lord for a time to rest.
I am thankful for friends and family who care about me and are concerned about me even though they are far away.
I am thankful for the chance to spend the day under blankets and watching feel-good TV.
I thank the Lord for a chance to have some alone time, some time to clear my head and ease my mind.
It is days like these that are hard. It is days like these test us... it is what we do with that test that defines who we are and what we can withstand.
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace, and be thankful."
Colossians 3:15
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