Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 18- Breaking Dawn

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Hello friends- this post is a little late, I meant to post it earlier but I got home a little later than I had anticipated from a MOVIE night, so here it is! :)

As November continues.... so does my 31 Day Challenge :)
As the list winds down, it's getting harder and harder and I have to start being more intentional about which things I pick. But no fear, I am still going strong!
29. Include someone who may not have plans to a gathering or meal.

Tonight I went to see the movie Breaking Dawn (Part of the Twilight series). The movie was a major disappointment, but I was blessed with great company- so I guess that's okay :) I invited my new sorority little sister (she's a freshman who just pledged this year) on a movie/bonding date. It's so nice to be able to share with her what I went through last year- and to listen and giggle when she tells me all about her crazy college firsts (everyone has them, believe me). I love being there for her as kind of an older mentor (although she's almost as old as I am). Here are a few photos of her because I love to brag :)
And here are a few from the last football tailgate of the year! So sad- two down and two to go! :)
And here- is the LINEAGE! My little, my big, and me :) We get taller and taller every year.
Besides my little, I also invited my roommate and her little to come with us. Even though the movie was bad (extremely gruesome and strange), we all had a great time. I always say this- but it's so nice to get away from campus and to remove yourself from all of the crazy stress and people and homework.

Be back with more later- I'm off to babysit! :)

"And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you."
Luke 11:9



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