Today's challenge-
I'm starting a No Pop Pledge until the end of the year in an attempt to drink more water and to kick out unnecessary chemicals. Although I'm not giving up coffee, I am going to cut soda out of my diet.
I'm going to need the support of my followers! :)
Day 1-
Hopefully I will feel better, have more energy, and 'clean up' my body a little bit! They say that nothing is better for you than water :) I have my water bottle prepped and ready to go- I'll be carrying it around all day to encourage myself to keep hydrated!
A little recap- I went to my high school YoungLife leader Nicole's wedding last night. It was absolutely beautiful, and a little emotional as well. She is now officially Nicole Kinney- so weird, but so exciting. I remember the days when we would sit in Starbucks and dream about our happily ever after. She always said- "Don't worry, God will come through. He has such great plans for our lives. All we need is a little faith." I am beyond happy for her, and wish them both a lifetime of happiness.
Of course, everything was absolutely gorgeous. The ceremony, the decor, everything was so Nicole. And so perfect. They had 'fall-themed' cupcakes- gingerbread, apple cider, pumpkin pie, caramel and mocha... but unfortunately I spent a little too much time at the candy bar to hold an appetite. :)
The beautiful bride, the reason I made it through high school in one piece, and the woman who makes me believe in the incredible grace and love of Jesus Christ. I owe her so much more than I'll ever be able to give in return.
Weddings make me believe in true love. They make me believe in happily ever after.
"May the Lord bless you and keep you."
Numbers 6:24
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