Summer is flying by! It’s almost August already?? I move back to school in less than a month- and as good as it’s going to feel to be back on campus with my college friends… I will truly miss the calm and comfort of home. (Okay, well it’s calm most of the time). Sometimes I do miss the solitude of living on my own- although a house of 55 women may be a little different than my quiet dorm room. J
My apologies for a lack of posting this summer. It’s so hard to have a blogging schedule around work, family, and rest. I am actually working quite a few hours at Noodles & Co and I am doing some babysitting for my cousin. I just spent an entire day watching the kids (yes, overnight). It was quite the experience…
A quick highlight:
I drove a mini van with two car seats.
I cranked out Mac and Cheese and 6 PB & J sandwiches for dinner.
I sat in bed with them until they fell asleep (after a few ‘snack,’ water and nightmare runs).
I served a few bowls of cereal for breakfast (while I downed a few cups of coffee).
After a few Scooby snacks and graham crackers, we made blueberry muffins and melon for lunch.
I took them on a bike ride to the boat dock.
Quite the day, huh? I came home exhausted- so ready for a nap and some quiet time. I’m still excited to be a mom, but I think I may enjoy some time on my own for a while J.
Here’s a picture of the kids after some M&M brownies I made for them- the key to a child’s heart may, in fact, be sugar and chocolate.
Inspired by my babysitting job, today is all about learning to live like a little kid every day. I wish I could be as carefree, honest, loving and trusting as these little kids. Sure, I may still be a child, but I am definitely plagued by grown-up worry and stress.
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Why can’t my life be as simple as elementary school was? Why can’t I let people in, accepting them before I doubt their sincerity?
I encourage you today to…
Laugh like you’re with your best friend.
Love like you won’t get another chance to express yourself.
Let go of all your fears and doubts.
Allow yourself to relax and enjoy.
Live freely and openly.
And above all,
Never be afraid to say I LOVE YOU.
“Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up to salvation– if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.”
1 Peter 2:2