Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 27- A little tip...

Pin It Now! And... it's back to Ann Arbor I go for finals.
These are about to be some pretty rough 17 days.

But more importantly... it's Day 27 of my 31 Day Challenge :)
A quick side note- I just realized that there are only 30 days in November... so my challenge will carry on to the first day of December!

There are so many things already crossed off! It's getting harder each day to complete a different task- I am starting to learn to be more intentional with what I'm choosing. Having limited options really does encourage me to actively pursue a good deed each day! 
10. Leave an extra large tip for a waitress. 

I chose to modify this one a bit. Since I haven't been to a restaurant in a while, and probably won't make it to one by the end of the challenge, I left a tip in an unexpected place...
The Starbucks DriveThru Tip Jar.

How many times do you just stroll by tip jars? How many times do you think to yourself, I'm already paying them enough.

It wasn't a lot. But when I saw the drive thru attendant smile and wish me a good day after I dropped a dollar into the tip jar, I knew I had done something worthwhile.

Could you leave a tip in an unexpected place? Instead of driving by at full speed, thinking only of yourself, could you try slowing down to appreciate the service and smiles of others?

It may just make their day.

"The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe."
Proverbs 18:10



  1. I love the tip idea!!! I should do that more often :)

  2. I like the tip idea too, though these days I'm generally too broke :P


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