Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 29- Truth Matters

Pin It Now! Day 29 of my 31 Day Challenge :)
The options are becoming few and far between...

14. Be 100% honest for an entire day.

Today, I'm working on honesty. More specifically, I am learning to be honest with myself. Sometimes, being honest with oneself is harder than being honest with others. We tend to convince ourselves of certain things to please others, to mask discomfort, or to deny struggle.

Sometimes I convince myself that being imperfect and having flaws is unacceptable.
In reality, everyone has bits and pieces of their personality of character that they consider 'flaws.' Our flaws not only make us individuals, but they make us beautiful in God's eyes.

Sometimes I convince myself that I'll never find someone to love.
In reality, I know that God has an incredible plan for my life... and I am confident that finding someone to share my life with is a definite part of this plan. If it is truly one of my desires, it is one of his as well. Cue patience....

Sometimes I convince myself that if things don't go a certain way, my whole life will fall apart.
In reality, I know that little things and flexibility will never make a huge difference. Going with the flow may not be easy for me—but in the end, it will make life a lot less stressful.

So today, I was not only honest with others... but I was honest with myself. I'm learning that it's okay to doubt and question—that nobody is perfect.

What would you like to be honest with yourself about? Why is it so hard to admit things that might make us uncomfortable?

I challenge you to be honest today. You may find that it's a lot harder than it sounds.

"The very essence of your words is truth; all your just regulations will stand forever."
Psalm 119:160



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