Friday, August 26, 2011
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I'm a goal setter.
I'm one of those people who likes to set expectations right from the beginning.
So tonight, on the night before I leave for my sophomore year of college... I bring you-
MY GOALS FOR MY SOPHOMORE YEAR IN COLLEGE. Wow, big things right? I honestly can't believe I am a sophomore already. But here they are... and I hope all you bloggers out there can help me stick to them, I'll be looking to you for love and support.
1. Schoolwork before social life- although there are special exceptions to this one. I truly believe in doing well in all my classes. If my parents are paying for an education- I'm going to do my best to earn it.
2. Stop being so hard on myself. Yes, doing well and succeeding is important. But is it really the A on the English paper that I'm going to remember 20 years from now? Probably not. I need to let go a little bit, I need to let myself have fun. I deserve to be happy and enjoy myself.
3. Don't get sucked into any unnecessary drama. Living in a house with 55 girls is not going to be easy... enough said.
4. Push myself. I want to meet new people this year, experience things I may have been scared of last year, try new things and new activities, and not be afraid of commitment or letting people in.
5. Learn a little more about myself, my goals, passions and ambitions.
And most importantly,
6. Have fun and come home safe. I'm only in college for three more years... oh my goodness, it's really only three more years?!?! I want to make these years count. :)
Have any advice for a college sophomore? What are things you wish you could have told yourself in college?
"I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy."
Psalm 116:1
I'm one of those people who likes to set expectations right from the beginning.
So tonight, on the night before I leave for my sophomore year of college... I bring you-
MY GOALS FOR MY SOPHOMORE YEAR IN COLLEGE. Wow, big things right? I honestly can't believe I am a sophomore already. But here they are... and I hope all you bloggers out there can help me stick to them, I'll be looking to you for love and support.
1. Schoolwork before social life- although there are special exceptions to this one. I truly believe in doing well in all my classes. If my parents are paying for an education- I'm going to do my best to earn it.
2. Stop being so hard on myself. Yes, doing well and succeeding is important. But is it really the A on the English paper that I'm going to remember 20 years from now? Probably not. I need to let go a little bit, I need to let myself have fun. I deserve to be happy and enjoy myself.
3. Don't get sucked into any unnecessary drama. Living in a house with 55 girls is not going to be easy... enough said.
4. Push myself. I want to meet new people this year, experience things I may have been scared of last year, try new things and new activities, and not be afraid of commitment or letting people in.
5. Learn a little more about myself, my goals, passions and ambitions.
And most importantly,
6. Have fun and come home safe. I'm only in college for three more years... oh my goodness, it's really only three more years?!?! I want to make these years count. :)
Have any advice for a college sophomore? What are things you wish you could have told yourself in college?
"I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy."
Psalm 116:1
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Mood Swings
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Have you ever thought seriously about... mood swings? They're the worst. One minute, you're happy-go-lucky with your family and friends and the next minute you just want to be alone and everything around you seems to get on your nerves.
I ask myself- Why do I get them? Why can't I be carefree, free-spirited and fun-loving all the time?
Maybe we're not meant to be happy all the time. Maybe mood swings give us a sense of what we would be like without slowing down to appreciate the true beauty and simplicity of life.
Maybe they are a wake up call.
I'm one of those people who has off-days. I have days where being alone seems so much easier than making conversation. I have days where I take everything for granted and forget to treat each waking moment as a beautiful gift. I have days where nothing goes my way.
Maybe mood swings are a big slap-in-the-face.
Hey you- life is beautiful. There's nothing you can do to be in control 100% of the time. You have to learn to let go. You have to learn to go with the flow. You can't be such a control freak- you're going to drive yourself crazy.
My inner monologue for you ^^. I always take things too seriously. I freak out when there's a change in my routine. I get upset when I have to abide by flexibility. I let the voices in my head convince me that the only way to live is with perfect order.
They are so wrong. Everyone needs a little chaos, right? Now, I just need to find a way to believe that.
“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Good friends, thinking about family.
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Happy Wednesday!
A big thank you to the few people who have commented on my blog- it means a lot to know that there are at least a few people out there starting to read it! :) I appreciate all your love, support, feedback and encouragement.
That's the best thing about the blogging community... everyone is so welcoming and supportive.
My morning consisted of puppy play time- she just can't get enough of biting my pj boxer shorts- and a lot of blog reading/commenting. It's really cool to have little snapshots of people's lives all over the country (and globe). I am so inspired by your photos, healthy lifestyle habits and general positivity. You all help me do what I do.
Paige (a sorority sister and good friend) came over to make fleece blankets today!
We spent the afternoon in the basement watching He's Just Not That Into You while we cut and tied fleece from Jo-Ann Fabrics. Crafting is just so fun- especially when you don't have to put forth that much effort in the creativity department. They turned out great- they are actually gifts for our future 'littles' (new members from this year's upcoming recruitment!).
Of course I have to brag about how cute my papa and puppy are. :)
My goal for the next few days is to really slow down and appreciate the calm and serenity of home and family. I know I'm going to miss it in a few weeks. I'll miss waking up with my mom. I'll miss family dinners and movie nights. I'll miss taking my puppy out in the rain.
I'll miss home- but I'll focus on living my life. It's time to start. I'm growing up.
What do you miss most from home? How do you remind yourself that growing up is just part of life?
"I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry."
Psalm 40:1
A big thank you to the few people who have commented on my blog- it means a lot to know that there are at least a few people out there starting to read it! :) I appreciate all your love, support, feedback and encouragement.
That's the best thing about the blogging community... everyone is so welcoming and supportive.
My morning consisted of puppy play time- she just can't get enough of biting my pj boxer shorts- and a lot of blog reading/commenting. It's really cool to have little snapshots of people's lives all over the country (and globe). I am so inspired by your photos, healthy lifestyle habits and general positivity. You all help me do what I do.
Paige (a sorority sister and good friend) came over to make fleece blankets today!
We spent the afternoon in the basement watching He's Just Not That Into You while we cut and tied fleece from Jo-Ann Fabrics. Crafting is just so fun- especially when you don't have to put forth that much effort in the creativity department. They turned out great- they are actually gifts for our future 'littles' (new members from this year's upcoming recruitment!).
Of course I have to brag about how cute my papa and puppy are. :)
My goal for the next few days is to really slow down and appreciate the calm and serenity of home and family. I know I'm going to miss it in a few weeks. I'll miss waking up with my mom. I'll miss family dinners and movie nights. I'll miss taking my puppy out in the rain.
I'll miss home- but I'll focus on living my life. It's time to start. I'm growing up.
What do you miss most from home? How do you remind yourself that growing up is just part of life?
"I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry."
Psalm 40:1
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
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Have you ever heard Stacie Orrico's song 'There's gotta be more to life?'
There's gotta be more to life,
Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me.
Cause the more that I'm,
Tripping out thinking there must be more to life.
Well it's life, but I'm sure... there's gotta be more than wanting more.
I've got the time and I'm wasting it slowly.
Here in this moment I'm half way out the door.
Onto the next thing, I'm searching for something that's missing.
In the midst of packing for college, for the second time already, I can't help but notice how much stuff I have. It makes me wonder... do I really need all of it? Is it really making my life better? What's the point if I just have to move it anyway?
Why do we clutter our lives with so much stuff? Is it to distract us from the fact that we are always searching for something more? Is it because it's hard for us to feel satisfied?
Despite all the stuff and useless clutter in our lives, there has got to be more. There has got to be a life that is full with
But the true question is... how do we get past the notion that we will find satisfaction with material things? Where is the balance between what we need and what we want? I think the answer is all in moderation. It's okay to still want nice things, but the key is not letting it get in the way of what's important.
And I guarantee you, at the end of it all, you're probably not going to say, "I am so thankful for that iPhone." Hopefully, you'll be grateful for all the memories, laughs, happiness, and love. You'll be grateful for the stuff that money can't buy.
Wish me luck with packing- I'm trying to limit myself to the necessities. I'm trying to live a simpler life. Easier said than done.
"The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe."
Proverbs 18:10
Have you ever heard Stacie Orrico's song 'There's gotta be more to life?'
There's gotta be more to life,
Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me.
Cause the more that I'm,
Tripping out thinking there must be more to life.
Well it's life, but I'm sure... there's gotta be more than wanting more.
I've got the time and I'm wasting it slowly.
Here in this moment I'm half way out the door.
Onto the next thing, I'm searching for something that's missing.
In the midst of packing for college, for the second time already, I can't help but notice how much stuff I have. It makes me wonder... do I really need all of it? Is it really making my life better? What's the point if I just have to move it anyway?
Why do we clutter our lives with so much stuff? Is it to distract us from the fact that we are always searching for something more? Is it because it's hard for us to feel satisfied?
Despite all the stuff and useless clutter in our lives, there has got to be more. There has got to be a life that is full with
But the true question is... how do we get past the notion that we will find satisfaction with material things? Where is the balance between what we need and what we want? I think the answer is all in moderation. It's okay to still want nice things, but the key is not letting it get in the way of what's important.
And I guarantee you, at the end of it all, you're probably not going to say, "I am so thankful for that iPhone." Hopefully, you'll be grateful for all the memories, laughs, happiness, and love. You'll be grateful for the stuff that money can't buy.
Wish me luck with packing- I'm trying to limit myself to the necessities. I'm trying to live a simpler life. Easier said than done.
"The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe."
Proverbs 18:10
Monday, August 22, 2011
Learning to Live
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Another week already? Honestly, I couldn't tell you where summer has gone this year. One minute I am home from school in APRIL and the next I am packing up my room to move back in AUGUST.
Despite the fact that it's been a short/yet kind of long summer, I am ready to go back to school. Well, I think I am ready. Of course I still have lots of packing to do this week and things to cross of my to-do list. But for the past few weeks I have been itching for change again. And then... as soon as I think I want to move out, I start to think about leaving my mom. I start to think about leaving her safety net and endless love and support.
She has taught me and continues to teach me the importance of loving myself. She has taught me that life is worth so much more than constant worry and self-doubt.
She has taught me to love life again.
When we fall off track... when we start to think that the perfect body or perfect grades or perfect relationships make a life well-lived... then we truly lose some of life's magic. We lose the beauty of appreciating good food, loving our reflection in the mirror, acknowledging the great and beautiful creation that God made us to be.
It's hard for me sometimes. Sometimes I think I need to be perfect to be worth something. Sometimes I think I need to constantly prove myself to others around me. Sometimes I feel like life is one huge beauty contest.
And then there are the times I look at my mom, my family and my friends. They continue to show me that whatever and whoever I am will aways be good enough. I don't have to be anything other than myself.
I, Meaghan Taylor O'Connor, am beautiful and... I am loved.
Despite the fact that it's been a short/yet kind of long summer, I am ready to go back to school. Well, I think I am ready. Of course I still have lots of packing to do this week and things to cross of my to-do list. But for the past few weeks I have been itching for change again. And then... as soon as I think I want to move out, I start to think about leaving my mom. I start to think about leaving her safety net and endless love and support.
She has taught me and continues to teach me the importance of loving myself. She has taught me that life is worth so much more than constant worry and self-doubt.
She has taught me to love life again.
When we fall off track... when we start to think that the perfect body or perfect grades or perfect relationships make a life well-lived... then we truly lose some of life's magic. We lose the beauty of appreciating good food, loving our reflection in the mirror, acknowledging the great and beautiful creation that God made us to be.
It's hard for me sometimes. Sometimes I think I need to be perfect to be worth something. Sometimes I think I need to constantly prove myself to others around me. Sometimes I feel like life is one huge beauty contest.
And then there are the times I look at my mom, my family and my friends. They continue to show me that whatever and whoever I am will aways be good enough. I don't have to be anything other than myself.
I, Meaghan Taylor O'Connor, am beautiful and... I am loved.
"Show me your ways O Lord; Teach me in your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; on you I wait all the day."
Psalm 25:4
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Drive to Win.
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It was a rainy saturday... but I never would have know because I was inside a high school all day for my sister's first volleyball tournament this season!
Aside from being a long day full of plenty of screams and cheers, it was also a bittersweet day. There's only seven days left until I move into my sorority house back at school, and it was probably the only volleyball I will get to see my sister play most of the season.
And they won!!
Could it be... Summer is really coming to an end? A few weeks ago I was getting really anxious to go back to Ann Arbor, but now the reality of leaving home is hitting me all over again. I will soon be away from the people who love me most. I will lose some of my support system. No more home cooked meals. It may just be too much.... but I still am excited. I am excited for change again. I'm actually excited to live with 55 other college women (call me crazy).
Here's more craft photos for you! I decided to do iron-on t-shirt designs :) I love having cute t-shirts to lounge in!
Like the designs? Inspired by Lilly Pulitzer! I have been loving crafts lately. So much fun and such a nice creative outlet.
Tomorrow is my last day of work for the summer (an all-day shift with a few hours off in between). It will be hard to say goodbye to my Noodles friends, but I can't say I'm too sad to get back to normal meal times and studying instead of serving customers. As much as I did like the job, it was hard on me.
Although, when I say it was hard on me... I mean it in a good way. It taught me a lot about the value of working for your money. It taught me that things cost a lot more than I thought. It made me a lot more cautious of spending my hard-earned cash. It also made me proud to be able to afford my OWN back-to-school clothes. I'm growing up!!!
What have you learned from working a minimum wage job- besides the fact that customers can be really disrespectful and demanding? I learned how hard it is to make a living for yourself. I learned to appreciate the people who do those jobs day in and day out, it must be so hard. I am truly so blessed.
"I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing."
Genesis 12:2
Friday, August 19, 2011
Finally Friday!
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Happy Friday!
Don't you just love fridays? They are always filled with excitement, possibility, friends, family and weekend jitters!
A quick recap- Yesterday I worked through what was probably the busiest lunch I have ever worked at Noodles & Co. My sister and mom came in, and I only got to see them for about 30 seconds- although they were watching me run around the dining room like a mad woman trying to find table numbers as the line went out the door! After work around 3 pm, I went to have coffee and cookie hour with my grandparents at their villa's clubhouse. I know they are reading- so a quick shout out to them. :)
We talked about my writing, moving back to school, my family, their life and the cottage, and I met some of their neighbors. I am so thankful to have such incredible role models in my life. Their faith makes them devoted followers of Jesus Christ, kind and generous people, and above all, loving grandparents. If I haven't said it already-
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa. Thank you for showing me that love can last a lifetime. Thank you for showing me what it means to live through your faith. Thank you for showing me that the most important things in life can't be bought. Thanks for always being there to cheer me on and support my dreams. I can never truly say thank you enough.
And now... you're featured on the blog! No hiding now! :)
And now for today- I think I will start with a little speed-walking on the treadmill (as per usual) and then a little more writing for College Lifestyles . If you haven't checked it out already, it's the online magazine that I just scored a fall internship for (and couldn't be more excited!). Then, I will probably head out to do some school shopping and go on a walk with a good friend.
There is nothing better than clearing your head on a nice, long walk with a good friend- agree?
What are you up to this Friday?
"Good friend, don't forget all I've taught you; take heart my commands. They'll help you live a long, long time, a long life lived full and well."
Proverbs 3:1-2
Don't you just love fridays? They are always filled with excitement, possibility, friends, family and weekend jitters!
A quick recap- Yesterday I worked through what was probably the busiest lunch I have ever worked at Noodles & Co. My sister and mom came in, and I only got to see them for about 30 seconds- although they were watching me run around the dining room like a mad woman trying to find table numbers as the line went out the door! After work around 3 pm, I went to have coffee and cookie hour with my grandparents at their villa's clubhouse. I know they are reading- so a quick shout out to them. :)
We talked about my writing, moving back to school, my family, their life and the cottage, and I met some of their neighbors. I am so thankful to have such incredible role models in my life. Their faith makes them devoted followers of Jesus Christ, kind and generous people, and above all, loving grandparents. If I haven't said it already-
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa. Thank you for showing me that love can last a lifetime. Thank you for showing me what it means to live through your faith. Thank you for showing me that the most important things in life can't be bought. Thanks for always being there to cheer me on and support my dreams. I can never truly say thank you enough.
And now... you're featured on the blog! No hiding now! :)
And now for today- I think I will start with a little speed-walking on the treadmill (as per usual) and then a little more writing for College Lifestyles . If you haven't checked it out already, it's the online magazine that I just scored a fall internship for (and couldn't be more excited!). Then, I will probably head out to do some school shopping and go on a walk with a good friend.
There is nothing better than clearing your head on a nice, long walk with a good friend- agree?
What are you up to this Friday?
"Good friend, don't forget all I've taught you; take heart my commands. They'll help you live a long, long time, a long life lived full and well."
Proverbs 3:1-2
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Peanut Butter Goodness :)
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And... it was another try-that-recipe experiment afternoon!
Here it is, in all its peanut butter glory. (I can honestly call them one of my favorite creations- I have been loving peanut butter lately, it's so filling and delicious)
Recipe adapted from
Here it is, in all its peanut butter glory. (I can honestly call them one of my favorite creations- I have been loving peanut butter lately, it's so filling and delicious)
Recipe adapted from
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 egg
1 1/4 cup flour
3/4 t baking soda
1/2 t baking powder
1/4 t salt
1. Beat the butter until creamy, 2 minutes. Add the sugars, beat for 2 more minutes. Mix in the peanut butter and egg. Mix together the dry ingredients - flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Stir the dry ingredients into the sugar butter mixture.
2. Add butterscotch chips, pour into pan and sprinkle with sugar.
3. Bake at 350 for 17-19 minutes. Enjoy!
Today's inspiration is to try something new. Don't be afraid to experiment. There are never any wrong answers in life, only ones that bring you down a different path. I'm going to work on enjoying the simple beauty of life. Challenge yourself today. Be the person you have always wanted to be.
I work all day today- hoping I can come home and enjoy an episode of Pretty Little Liars that I missed last night! Have a great Wednesday!
"For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you."
Isaiah 41:13
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
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Hey there! Happy Monday :)
A new week= new excitement, new stress, new happiness, and new opportunity! I just love new weeks- don't you?
This morning I woke up early- just before 7 am to walk and get ready for my last day of my Summer Internship at Women's Lifestyle Magazine! It has been a great few months there- My official title was an Editorial Intern so I learned a lot about what it meant to edit pages, look for grammar mistakes, find layout errors and piece the publication together as a whole. It was so great to see pieces and parts of the magazine from start to finish. Their office is downtown Grand Rapids- so it was also nice to network with a few very nice, professional and talented women in the GR area. Thanks for all that you taught me this summer- the experience (and my first real, published freelance work) was invaluable.
PS. Stay tuned- I think I have FULL PAGE published 'Healthy Ideas' articles for September, October and November! Yay :) In the mean time, check out our latest issue online (see my work on the events calendar)!
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After my editing session this morning, I went to my dad's office to bring him a sub sandwich for lunch (we are both extreme fans of Jimmy John's- have you experienced the freaky fast magic?).
A Jimmy John's Turkey Tom is good to the last bite. Then again, I love carbs and turkey... so I guess it's destiny?
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I love sitting down to lunch with my dad. It's so good to catch up, talk to him about life and my future (scary stuff), and to just be with him. I was lucky enough to spend a lot of time with him this summer- something that I am so grateful for. I admire him so much. His strength, his courage, his determination... all make me believe in the impossible. I want to do whatever I can to make him proud- because I know he will always be there to support, encourage and love me no matter what I do. He is one of the most incredible people I have ever/will ever know and I am beyond lucky to call him my father.
Thank you dad. I can never fully express how truly grateful I am for all that you do for me.
In other news- I move in to my sorority house in less than 2 weeks- an incredibly scary, exciting, emotional, and thrilling thought. I am so anxious for something new- but I know that leaving my family this time will be extremely bittersweet. Although it's not the first/last time, I know that my long-term time at home is quickly slipping from my fingers.
So now, going into savor-time-at-home-with-family mode QUICK! Only a few days left to enjoy summer. Then, it's time to hit the books.
Sleep tight! :)
"As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him."
2 Samuel 22:31
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Fun at Work
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Happy Saturday! :)
I do love the weekends. My family is always so relaxed and everyone around me seems to be in a better mood. Even people who come to the restaurant... they are (more-than-usual) excited for their carb-loads of mac n' cheese and flat bread. And I can't help but smile right back.
Don't you love it when a positive mood is infectious? Sometimes, I just wish that it could always be this way. That I could always catch other people's positive energy and use it in my own life.
I wish optimism was contagious. How cool would that be?
This morning... wow that seems like a long time ago... I woke up as usual to puppy time. I can't even imagine waking up everyday in a few weeks without her to cuddle with in the morning. I can't imagine not having her to chew on my sweatpants for an hour while I sit with my coffee and the Today Show. Can you say rude awakening?
I got a little treadmill time in- 30 minutes seems just right to me. Enough time to watch most of an episode of One Tree Hill with a little extra time built in after I'm done to cool down on the couch. It's enough to get my body moving but not too much to tire me out.
Do you have a workout routine? I know it's beneficial to switch it up with all different kinds of exercise, but it just seems so easy to stick with what works. What are your thoughts?
After that it was work time! Some days I am dragging myself out the door while others seem like a piece of cake- today was sort of in between. Once I get to the restaurant though, I always get a second wind and I am (generally) happy to be there! I got home around 6:30 and settled down with my computer, decaf, and a few chick flicks for the night. Made myself some fun, fresh yogurt layers :)
As a general goal, I'm trying to be more positive about the little things in life. I'm trying to be more flexible, more personable, more optimistic, and just plain happier. I am just so serious sometimes- and I think that affects my ability to sit back and enjoy life. And what's more important than enjoying life- not much.
Be happy today. Be optimistic. Be open. Be loving. Be you.
"For when I am weak, then I am strong."
2 Corinthians 12:10
I do love the weekends. My family is always so relaxed and everyone around me seems to be in a better mood. Even people who come to the restaurant... they are (more-than-usual) excited for their carb-loads of mac n' cheese and flat bread. And I can't help but smile right back.
Don't you love it when a positive mood is infectious? Sometimes, I just wish that it could always be this way. That I could always catch other people's positive energy and use it in my own life.
I wish optimism was contagious. How cool would that be?
This morning... wow that seems like a long time ago... I woke up as usual to puppy time. I can't even imagine waking up everyday in a few weeks without her to cuddle with in the morning. I can't imagine not having her to chew on my sweatpants for an hour while I sit with my coffee and the Today Show. Can you say rude awakening?
I got a little treadmill time in- 30 minutes seems just right to me. Enough time to watch most of an episode of One Tree Hill with a little extra time built in after I'm done to cool down on the couch. It's enough to get my body moving but not too much to tire me out.
Do you have a workout routine? I know it's beneficial to switch it up with all different kinds of exercise, but it just seems so easy to stick with what works. What are your thoughts?
After that it was work time! Some days I am dragging myself out the door while others seem like a piece of cake- today was sort of in between. Once I get to the restaurant though, I always get a second wind and I am (generally) happy to be there! I got home around 6:30 and settled down with my computer, decaf, and a few chick flicks for the night. Made myself some fun, fresh yogurt layers :)
As a general goal, I'm trying to be more positive about the little things in life. I'm trying to be more flexible, more personable, more optimistic, and just plain happier. I am just so serious sometimes- and I think that affects my ability to sit back and enjoy life. And what's more important than enjoying life- not much.
Be happy today. Be optimistic. Be open. Be loving. Be you.
"For when I am weak, then I am strong."
2 Corinthians 12:10
Friday, August 12, 2011
It's Okay.
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I have come to a conclusion.
It's okay to let people in. A slight warning- this post may be a little more emotional than normal, but that's okay. There comes a time to lay it all out there. There comes a time to put yourself on the line.
There definitely comes a time to let go of insecurity. One of my biggest insecurities comes from a fear of not finding someone to love and appreciate life with. Yes... I will admit that I am scared of not being able to walk down the aisle one day. And as much as a wedding may be every girl's little dream, it's so much more than that. It's not finding someone to love and trust everything with. It's not finding someone that I can look at with undying passion and surrender everything to. It's not finding someone to share my successes and failures.
It's not finding someone to cry on, to laugh with, and to smile at forever.
I think the reason I am so scared is that I've never had a serious relationship. I've never been able to let someone in close enough to get hurt. Is it because I am scared of letting people see the real me? Is it because I just haven't come across anyone my heart has longed for? Is it because it just hasn't been meant to be? Is it because no one has seen me as dating material?
So many questions... and only one place to look for answers. I know it's in his plan for me. It's just so hard to be patient. So hard to be patient when you feel like you are wasting time. And yet- I know that he has all my best interests at heart. I know that whatever he has planned for me is far greater than anything I can dream of or imagine. I just hope it happens to involve a smiling man in a tux at the end of a church aisle- is that too much to hope for?
Sophomore year in college. I know I'm still young. I know that this year has to be a little different. I need to stop being so afraid of letting go. I need to stop telling myself that people run the opposite direction simply because I'm 'too awkward.' Guys like a little awkward sometimes, right? I need to be confident in the fact that there are men out there that would see me as a great catch. Just the way I am. But... the tricky part is, they may not find me if I'm hiding out. It takes two people looking for two people to meet. It always takes two.
Are you lucky enough to be in love? Is it all you ever hoped for and so much more? Did you have to be patient? Have any advice for a wanna-be romantic? I would love to hear it. I have so much love to give. Now... only to find the perfect person to give it to.
In other (lighter) news, my puppy had her first visit to the salon this morning. We were very clear in the fact that we did NOT want all of her hair shaved off. I think the groomer did a great job- what do you think? :) Can she just be the love of my life?
I also went to a movie with an incredible friend tonight- isn't it crazy how much better great friends and good laughs can make you feel? Once again, God shows me that I am so blessed to have such great friends in my life. Quite the timing, huh?
"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."
Matthew 5:16
It's okay to let people in. A slight warning- this post may be a little more emotional than normal, but that's okay. There comes a time to lay it all out there. There comes a time to put yourself on the line.
There definitely comes a time to let go of insecurity. One of my biggest insecurities comes from a fear of not finding someone to love and appreciate life with. Yes... I will admit that I am scared of not being able to walk down the aisle one day. And as much as a wedding may be every girl's little dream, it's so much more than that. It's not finding someone to love and trust everything with. It's not finding someone that I can look at with undying passion and surrender everything to. It's not finding someone to share my successes and failures.
It's not finding someone to cry on, to laugh with, and to smile at forever.
I think the reason I am so scared is that I've never had a serious relationship. I've never been able to let someone in close enough to get hurt. Is it because I am scared of letting people see the real me? Is it because I just haven't come across anyone my heart has longed for? Is it because it just hasn't been meant to be? Is it because no one has seen me as dating material?
So many questions... and only one place to look for answers. I know it's in his plan for me. It's just so hard to be patient. So hard to be patient when you feel like you are wasting time. And yet- I know that he has all my best interests at heart. I know that whatever he has planned for me is far greater than anything I can dream of or imagine. I just hope it happens to involve a smiling man in a tux at the end of a church aisle- is that too much to hope for?
Sophomore year in college. I know I'm still young. I know that this year has to be a little different. I need to stop being so afraid of letting go. I need to stop telling myself that people run the opposite direction simply because I'm 'too awkward.' Guys like a little awkward sometimes, right? I need to be confident in the fact that there are men out there that would see me as a great catch. Just the way I am. But... the tricky part is, they may not find me if I'm hiding out. It takes two people looking for two people to meet. It always takes two.
Are you lucky enough to be in love? Is it all you ever hoped for and so much more? Did you have to be patient? Have any advice for a wanna-be romantic? I would love to hear it. I have so much love to give. Now... only to find the perfect person to give it to.
In other (lighter) news, my puppy had her first visit to the salon this morning. We were very clear in the fact that we did NOT want all of her hair shaved off. I think the groomer did a great job- what do you think? :) Can she just be the love of my life?
I also went to a movie with an incredible friend tonight- isn't it crazy how much better great friends and good laughs can make you feel? Once again, God shows me that I am so blessed to have such great friends in my life. Quite the timing, huh?
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An old picture (sophomore year?) that makes me laugh a little :) |
"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."
Matthew 5:16
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Dear Me
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Dear 21 year old me,
I hope this post finds you out of undergrad at the University of Michigan and on your way to a entry-level position at a magazine in New York or Chicago. If not, keep your head up and never give up.
Never forget all the hard work you put in for so many years and how badly you want this. You deserve happiness, success, and a ton of love. I know you're working hard- but please never stop believing in yourself. Once you set your mind to something, there's no stopping you. I promise you'll make it.
You just landed your second internship at College Lifestyles (TM) and you are well on your way to being somebody. Just remember, people out there believe in you. Other people are starting to see how much drive, passion and commitment you put into all of your work. Now all you to just believe in yourself.
You are incredible young woman with so much to offer the world and so much love to give. You will find love, you will find happiness and you will find so much enjoyment in life- but don't be afraid to go out and look for it! It won't come to you if you just sit back and wait for it.
Get out there. Be aggressive. You have it in you.
I hope I can look back at this post a few years from now and find inspiration form myself. I hope I can believe in my dreams enough to chase after them with all my heart. I hope I can truly believe in all that I have to offer the world.
What would you say to yourself a few years from now? Where do you wish to be? Who do you want to be?
Never, ever let yourself hold back because of fear. It's never worth always wishing what could have been.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11
I hope this post finds you out of undergrad at the University of Michigan and on your way to a entry-level position at a magazine in New York or Chicago. If not, keep your head up and never give up.
Never forget all the hard work you put in for so many years and how badly you want this. You deserve happiness, success, and a ton of love. I know you're working hard- but please never stop believing in yourself. Once you set your mind to something, there's no stopping you. I promise you'll make it.
You just landed your second internship at College Lifestyles (TM) and you are well on your way to being somebody. Just remember, people out there believe in you. Other people are starting to see how much drive, passion and commitment you put into all of your work. Now all you to just believe in yourself.
You are incredible young woman with so much to offer the world and so much love to give. You will find love, you will find happiness and you will find so much enjoyment in life- but don't be afraid to go out and look for it! It won't come to you if you just sit back and wait for it.
Get out there. Be aggressive. You have it in you.
I hope I can look back at this post a few years from now and find inspiration form myself. I hope I can believe in my dreams enough to chase after them with all my heart. I hope I can truly believe in all that I have to offer the world.
What would you say to yourself a few years from now? Where do you wish to be? Who do you want to be?
Never, ever let yourself hold back because of fear. It's never worth always wishing what could have been.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Back again! :)
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Hey there!
I am back again after work... I got out pretty early tonight despite being pretty busy! I even got home before 10:30! I have to say, I really do prefer working the lunch shift over the dinner shift. It's so much busier and there is always something to do. :) I like to be kept on my toes.
I didn't have time to snap a quick photo of the eats- I only had about a ten-minute break... so I will use a stock photo off the website. Please, don't kill me. They actually did look a lot like this. We have pretty talented chefs at our Noodles & Co.
I don't care very much for the sauce in the middle, but the potstickers are actually really great! I love the texture contrast of the inside meat/veggies, outside noodle, and crunchy cabbage- yes, I did eat some of my 'decorative' greens. You'd be surprised how many people don't even eat the cabbage underneath (thinking it is all just garnish). Oh, you have so much to learn Noodle newbies. :)
Any Noodles & Co. newbies out there? I encourage you to give it a try. We have so many great dishes made with fresh ingredients! We make all of them to order and all of our veggies are prepped same day- I would know, I cut them up in the afternoons! My favorite is the Bangkok Curry, but since I was rushed tonight, I went with something I could eat quick!
My inspiration for the day comes from two older women who came in for dinner this evening. It was their first time there and you could tell they were having one of those 'catch up' dinners that women love so much. I looked at them and the way they truly enjoyed each other's company and I promised myself...
I will do whatever it takes to make my friendships last.
Friends are so important in life and I have been blessed with truly incredible people in my life. Sometimes, I think I take advantage of having such an awesome support system around me- and I fail to realize that it really does take a friend to have a friend. I can't wait for the day I have 'catch up' dinners when I am older. I hope I'll keep in touch with all of the friends I have now/will make in the future.
I encourage you to reach out to your friends. Let them know how much you love and appreciate them.
"The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense." Proverbs 27:9
I am back again after work... I got out pretty early tonight despite being pretty busy! I even got home before 10:30! I have to say, I really do prefer working the lunch shift over the dinner shift. It's so much busier and there is always something to do. :) I like to be kept on my toes.
I didn't have time to snap a quick photo of the eats- I only had about a ten-minute break... so I will use a stock photo off the website. Please, don't kill me. They actually did look a lot like this. We have pretty talented chefs at our Noodles & Co.
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Any Noodles & Co. newbies out there? I encourage you to give it a try. We have so many great dishes made with fresh ingredients! We make all of them to order and all of our veggies are prepped same day- I would know, I cut them up in the afternoons! My favorite is the Bangkok Curry, but since I was rushed tonight, I went with something I could eat quick!
My inspiration for the day comes from two older women who came in for dinner this evening. It was their first time there and you could tell they were having one of those 'catch up' dinners that women love so much. I looked at them and the way they truly enjoyed each other's company and I promised myself...
I will do whatever it takes to make my friendships last.
Friends are so important in life and I have been blessed with truly incredible people in my life. Sometimes, I think I take advantage of having such an awesome support system around me- and I fail to realize that it really does take a friend to have a friend. I can't wait for the day I have 'catch up' dinners when I am older. I hope I'll keep in touch with all of the friends I have now/will make in the future.
I encourage you to reach out to your friends. Let them know how much you love and appreciate them.
"The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense." Proverbs 27:9
Lunch and NEW shoes!
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Happy hump day bloggers! :)
Today has been your average, summer afternoon. I woke up a little earlier than usual to hang out with the puppy. She loves chewing on my sweatpants every morning... and I love watching her. :)
I walked on the treadmill for half an hour- while making my way even further through season 5 of One Tree Hill. I have an obsession with trashy television, I know. I spent the later part of the morning catching up on the events calendar for my internship and then whipped up a panini for lunch. The power of the panini press to create delicious sandwiches never fails to amaze me.
Here we are- A turkey panini on a whole wheat bagel thin and some nice, fresh fruit! I love the way fruit makes your plate look so much more fun.
Today has been your average, summer afternoon. I woke up a little earlier than usual to hang out with the puppy. She loves chewing on my sweatpants every morning... and I love watching her. :)
I walked on the treadmill for half an hour- while making my way even further through season 5 of One Tree Hill. I have an obsession with trashy television, I know. I spent the later part of the morning catching up on the events calendar for my internship and then whipped up a panini for lunch. The power of the panini press to create delicious sandwiches never fails to amaze me.
Here we are- A turkey panini on a whole wheat bagel thin and some nice, fresh fruit! I love the way fruit makes your plate look so much more fun.
Next up for the afternoon, my mom and I hit a few stores. Sometimes, we just like to get out of the house for a few hours. :) It's our unspoken way to bond.
I ended up finding some new shoes on sale at Gazelle Sports! I have been looking for new tennis shoes and I loved these neon Nike pegasus AIR ones as soon as I saw them. Something about buying tennis shoes makes me feel so... athletic. :)
Next up- time for work! I work through dinner to close tonight, not my favorite shift but it gets me tons of hours racked up. My sister also has her orientation today at Noodles. Can you say sister-sister power at work? We're going to kill it. Can't wait to have her there with me for her first shift!
Back on tonight with some inspiration- maybe I will find some while serving carbs to customers?
For now, go out and appreciate the SWEATSHIRT weather. I know I am.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Things I'm Loving!
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What am I loving right now? Besides a day in bed, here are a few things that have me going crazy this summer. :)
1. Television- Yes, I know... I probably watch way more TV than is warranted, but isn't that what summer is for? I am currently making my way through all the past seasons of One Tree Hill (I'm on season 5!). I am also loving on some Pretty Little Liars and Next Food Network Star. PLL tuesday night may be the best hour of my week.
2. Turkey panini sandwiches- I promise a photo to follow soon. We have a panini press at home and I can't resist making one almost every day! I keep it simple- oven-roasted turkey, lettuce, tomato/cucumber, lite mayo and a little salt and pepper on a whole wheat bagel thin. Can you say delish!?
3. Peanut Butter M&Ms and Eddy's Vanilla Frozen Yogurt ice cream. I get my chocolate and sugar fix in small doses. Enough said.
5. Cheesy 'beach reads.' I made my way through all of Emily Giffin's romance novels and am now reading The Last Summer of You and Me by Ann Brashares.
What are you loving right now? Let me know what I need to check out!
6. Victoria's Secret yoga pants. I would sacrifice high fashion for comfort any day.
7. Online magazines for college women. Check out a few of my favorites- College Gloss, College Lifestyles & Love Twenty
What are you loving right now? Let me know what I need to check out!
Changes, Again.
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How do you like the new changes to the blog? I worked really hard on the header- I just loved the idea of using a bunch of random, colorful, artsy letters. I think it gives it a little 'optimistic' touch. I would love any comments/suggestions as to how to make the site more appealing! :)
I also added a little artwork to the bottom of the page- check it out as well as a few new quotes along the side. Quotes are my favorite- especially from really powerful women like Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn. Quite the ladies if I do say so myself.
So this morning started out a little slow- I woke up feeling a little off so I had a cup of coffee and a few crackers to try to settle my stomach (to no avail). Back up to bed for me! Although I hate to leave my puppy in the morning- I think my body is telling me I need a little more rest. And I do need to take advantage of the rest, I will be working like a mad-woman this week everyday... good to make some last money before school though!
I wanted to share a little art project I finished yesterday- my dad and I cut out some big wooden letters and I touched them up with a little spray paint the last few days! It was actually pretty fun to do such a big, time consuming art project! I love having little 'things to do.' Hence, the reason I just hate sitting in bed all day. At least it makes for a productive blogging day I guess. (Always a positive, right?)
Here is a picture of my art project- my inspiration for today... don't be afraid to get creative! Spend some time with your own artistic talents and see where they take you. It could be something great!
Back with more later.
"For God gave us not a spirit of fearfulness; but of power and love and discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7
I also added a little artwork to the bottom of the page- check it out as well as a few new quotes along the side. Quotes are my favorite- especially from really powerful women like Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn. Quite the ladies if I do say so myself.
So this morning started out a little slow- I woke up feeling a little off so I had a cup of coffee and a few crackers to try to settle my stomach (to no avail). Back up to bed for me! Although I hate to leave my puppy in the morning- I think my body is telling me I need a little more rest. And I do need to take advantage of the rest, I will be working like a mad-woman this week everyday... good to make some last money before school though!
I wanted to share a little art project I finished yesterday- my dad and I cut out some big wooden letters and I touched them up with a little spray paint the last few days! It was actually pretty fun to do such a big, time consuming art project! I love having little 'things to do.' Hence, the reason I just hate sitting in bed all day. At least it makes for a productive blogging day I guess. (Always a positive, right?)
Here is a picture of my art project- my inspiration for today... don't be afraid to get creative! Spend some time with your own artistic talents and see where they take you. It could be something great!
Back with more later.
"For God gave us not a spirit of fearfulness; but of power and love and discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7
Monday, August 8, 2011
Late Night Posting.
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Why is it that I do some of my best writing and thinking at night?
I think it's because I have had time to process a whole day's worth of thoughts. I have had time to experience life, family, and friends in a few short hours. 24 hours. Seems like a long chunk of time.
But how often do days pass you by like the blink of an eye? How often do you forget to treat each and every one of those days like something unique and special?
I believe that each day holds the promise of beauty. And no matter what happens or doesn't happen, every day is significant.
And at night, just before I get myself ready for a brand new day... I try to make sense of the day that just passed.
So what happened today you ask?
I got up around 8, played and bonded with my puppy in a quiet house (the family sleeps in).
I managed a little exercise in on the treadmill- got those endorphins flowing, it really does make me happier I think. I even got to watch One Tree Hill while I was sweating away, thank goodness for TV on DVD.
I went to church with my mommy, snacked on a few gingerbread cookies and coffee.
Came home to make a turkey panini (as per usual) for lunch.
Spent a few hours spray painting some big wood letters (a craft project I have taken on, never knew it could be so easy and fun).
Ran to the mall. I can never get enough people watching or random roaming. :)
Came home, relaxed, ate parmesan chicken for dinner (props to my sister for stepping up in the kitchen) and went to a movie with my mom and sister!
Wow... quite the eventful Sunday! It was a long day, but I am trying to love and appreciate every minute of it. Even the moments that may make me want to scream.
Every minute is beautiful.
This morning's message was all about God's grace. Finding grace in the moments that seem dazed and confused. Remembering that God can direct you places in life, but he can also ask you to stay. His grace makes everything worth it.
I am worth it. I will follow you. I know that you have great plans for me.
I trust you completely. I hand over my life to you.
Happy monday!
"So remember your people, remember your children, remember your promise- Oh God, your GRACE is enough."
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But how often do days pass you by like the blink of an eye? How often do you forget to treat each and every one of those days like something unique and special?
I believe that each day holds the promise of beauty. And no matter what happens or doesn't happen, every day is significant.
And at night, just before I get myself ready for a brand new day... I try to make sense of the day that just passed.
So what happened today you ask?
I got up around 8, played and bonded with my puppy in a quiet house (the family sleeps in).
I managed a little exercise in on the treadmill- got those endorphins flowing, it really does make me happier I think. I even got to watch One Tree Hill while I was sweating away, thank goodness for TV on DVD.
I went to church with my mommy, snacked on a few gingerbread cookies and coffee.
Came home to make a turkey panini (as per usual) for lunch.
Spent a few hours spray painting some big wood letters (a craft project I have taken on, never knew it could be so easy and fun).
Ran to the mall. I can never get enough people watching or random roaming. :)
Came home, relaxed, ate parmesan chicken for dinner (props to my sister for stepping up in the kitchen) and went to a movie with my mom and sister!
Wow... quite the eventful Sunday! It was a long day, but I am trying to love and appreciate every minute of it. Even the moments that may make me want to scream.
Every minute is beautiful.
This morning's message was all about God's grace. Finding grace in the moments that seem dazed and confused. Remembering that God can direct you places in life, but he can also ask you to stay. His grace makes everything worth it.
I am worth it. I will follow you. I know that you have great plans for me.
I trust you completely. I hand over my life to you.
Happy monday!
"So remember your people, remember your children, remember your promise- Oh God, your GRACE is enough."
Saturday, August 6, 2011
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Do you ever feel like you get so caught up in life that everything just seems to happen- without you even taking a moment to let it sink in or appreciate it?
I got a job at Noodles and Co. and started working like a mad woman!
Started my position as a Women’s Lifestyle Magazine Intern- putting together the online and print events calendar. See more on the magazine here.
Welcome to Summer 2011.
Summer has come… summer is going… and soon enough (3 weeks from today)… summer will have gone. Scary thought to think that time can fly that way, isn’t it?
Here’s what I have been up to this summer- not an excuse to my lazy blog-posting schedule, but more an inspiration to pick it back up!
We took a family trip to Orlando for my sister Paige’s national volleyball tournament. Can you say hott and humid? Hid in the air conditioning for the majority of the trip…
I got a job at Noodles and Co. and started working like a mad woman!
Started my position as a Women’s Lifestyle Magazine Intern- putting together the online and print events calendar. See more on the magazine here.
Fourth of July at the lake with the family… some of my best memories come from time at the cottage. Wouldn’t trade a minute of family time for anything.
Visited one of my best friends and sisters in CHICAGO for the weekend. It was so fun to shop, catch up, and spend time together… just what we both needed.
Babysat my cousins for a full day- so fun to be ‘mom’ for the day.
Reunion dinner with a few sisters from West Michigan at On The Border… Mexican food and good friends, what’s better?
Still to come… My last day at work for the summer- August 23rd, only a few short weeks away!
MOVE IN to Alpha Chi Omega in Ann Arbor- August 27th. Is it really happening? Am I really about to live with 55 other college women? Here goes nothing….
Wow, that feels great. To actually take time to reflect on all that has happened this summer makes me realize how blessed I am and how many doors have been opened for me. Sometimes I think we all need to pause to look back at our lives. How can we look forward without appreciating where we’ve been?
In other, news- my sister is a new employee at Noodles & Co. Yay for working with family. So proud of her. J Tomorrow… Sunday, my favorite day to relax, go to church, and spend time with the people I love.
I encourage you to reflect. Where have you been? Where are you going?
Me, I’m going to bed.
“Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.”
Psalm 51:12
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